50 million people in America suffer from digestive disorders. Such disorders include bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, and many others. The prevalence of these disorders has been increasing over the years. This can be attributed to a variety of factors in our modern lifestyle. The good news is that there are effective solutions available, such as functional medicine. In this blog, we will discuss the rise of digestive disorders and the factors contributing to their prevalence today. We will also introduce functional medicine as a solution for people who experience digestive problems and don’t want to rely on only traditional medical approaches.

The first factor contributing to the rise of digestive disorders is diet. Studies have shown that a high-fat diet, high sugar diet, and processed foods are some of the main culprits in causing digestive problems. These diets can significantly reduce the gut microbiome diversity, which is necessary for healthy digestion. Eating a diet high in fiber and vegetables can significantly improve gut health. Consuming probiotic foods such as yogurt and kefir can also improve gut microbiome diversity. As well, eliminating trigger foods from one’s diet is a necessary step towards healthy digestion.

Another factor in the rise of digestive disorders is our lifestyles. The rise of desk jobs has led to less physical exercise and more sitting throughout the day, leading to slower digestion and weakened muscles in the digestive tract. Additionally, stress is known to play a contributing role in digestive disorders. People that work longer hours have higher rates of digestive issues, and people who experience more stress have been shown to have a higher risk of developing digestive disorders.

Third, the widespread use of antibiotics in both humans and livestock has been shown to reduce diversity in our gut microbiome. The use of antibiotics should be prioritized for essential treatments and avoiding them should be essential in acute scenarios that are not life-threatening. Studies have shown that consuming probiotics alongside antibiotics can combat a reduction of gut microbiome diversity over the long term.

Lastly, the rise of the fast-paced lifestyle, particularly in corporate and metropolitan cultures, has led to the use of stress-relieving pharmaceutical drugs like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to reduce heartburn symptoms without addressing the root issue at hand. In the long term, the frequent use of PPIs and similar drugs can worsen digestive health and lead to irreversible chronic issues.

The good news is that functional medicine has emerged as a solution, which not only relieves symptoms but also addresses the root cause of the digestive disorder. Through optimization of gut microbiome diversity, each person’s unique biology, and environmental factors, functional medicine takes a preventative and patient-centric approach to treatment. Functional medicine practitioners look at the whole person and do a detailed examination of symptoms, lifestyle, and environment before creating a customized treatment plan.

Digestive disorders have become a widespread issue in our time, and millions of people are struggling with them. Factors such as diet, lifestyle, and broad consumption of antibiotics all play a role in the rise of digestive disorders. Fortunately, there is a solution, and that is functional medicine. By leveraging this approach, we can optimize gut microbiome diversity, minimize the effects of lifestyle stressors and provide a customized plan for each patient. In conclusion, we hope that this blog has provided helpful insights into the rise of digestive disorders, and how adopting functional medicine can provide lasting relief to those who suffer from digestive disorders.

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