Shoulder Pain

What causes shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain can have causes that aren’t due to an underlying disease, but it is commonly caused by overuse, sprains, or strain. One of the most common shoulder injuries is the rotator cuff. A rotator cuff injury is when damage or irritation effects one or more tendons or muscles in the shoulder. Due to the complex nature of the shoulder, they’re unlikely to heal completely on their own. Generally, degeneration and tears are likely to advance over time as the shoulder is used throughout their lifetime.

How is shoulder pain typically treated?

Shoulder Pain can have multiple treatments, depending on the severity of the injury. Traditionally, on a minor shoulder injury, activity changes, physical therapy, or a medication to reduce pain and inflammation may be needed. For major injuries, Surgery is generally required, but with surgery comes complications. In fact, there is a 57% chance with shoulder surgery that you will re-tear or re-injure your shoulder.

shoulder pain therapy with Dr. Bradley Morris ay IntegraVita Wellness.
shoulder pain therapy with Dr. Bradley Morris ay IntegraVita Wellness.

How can we help?

New, safer treatments are now available to assist in shoulder injuries without the need for expensive surgeries. One therapy that is rapidly growing in popularity is PRP therapy. Instead of going under anesthesia, PRP therapy allows for the repair of the shoulder with local pain-free injections to promote healing.

PRP presents patients with a long-lasting, permanent solution, all while using the body’s natural healing process. Amniotic Stem Cell therapy in injection form is also available at IntegraVita Wellness. When combined with PRP, Amnio Treatment offers a “boost” to PRP effectiveness. Depending on how severe the injury is, Amnio may be used to provide powerful, long-lasting relief. This makes the patient heal faster and works together with PRP.

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